Electronic Devices
Electronic devices (including but not limited to phones, portable radios, iPODs, CD players, and video game machines) may be in use before school, at snack break, at lunch, and after school ONLY. Devices in use or visible at any other time will be confiscated.
Bathroom Pass - Any student released to go to the bathroom during class time will be required to leave their cell phone with the teacher.
Santiago High School is not responsible for any item that is stolen or confiscated. Administration will not investigate loss or theft of any electronic devices.
1st Offense: After school detention and student picks up device from Administration after detention is served.
2nd Offense: Two (2) After school detention, parent picks up device after both detentions are served.
3rd Offense: Saturday School Assigned, parent picks up device after Saturday School is served.
Continual violations may result in further disciplinary actions, which could include suspension.
Students who need to phone home during the school day may report to the main office.