Definition of Cheating/Plagiarism
Anyone who uses improper assistance to complete assigned work and/or tests has cheated. Examples of improper assistance are:
- Copying/scanning papers or pages of homework assignments or turning in any project that belongs to another person.
- Giving or loaning assigned work to another student to be turned in or copied.
- Using papers/reports/projects or any portions thereof without appropriate citation, that are posted on the Internet or taken from other sources.
- Using any form of a cheat sheet during a quiz/test.
- Giving information about a quiz/test to any other students and/or receiving information about a quiz/test from anyone other than the teacher.
- Using the internet and/or “Google Translate” as a means to copy work or post work for other students to copy.
Consequences for Cheating
Consequences for Cheating will be progressive and student discipline record will be considered when students are referred to Administration for cheating offenses.
First offense: Copying papers or homework assignments that belong to another student/source. Student will receive a zero on the assignment, assigned an Administrative detention and parents contacted.
Second offense: Student will be assigned Saturday School and a parent conference is required.
- Any student stealing, taking or illegally obtaining, an examination, assignment, or essay will be suspended. A parent conference to follow. The student will receive a zero on the essay or exam.
- Students caught cheating will not be eligible for academic awards, and participation in school sponsored sports teams or clubs may be limited or revoked.
- Any student caught altering or attempting to alter a teacher’s roll, gradebook, or cheating on a final exam will receive an “F” for the quarter. In addition, students could be referred to District Discipline Committee for further disciplinary action.