Mrs. Erica DuFault » AVID


Welcome to Mrs. DuFault's web page. I have had the pleasure of working at Santiago for 21 years. In those 21 years I have taught many subjects including Health and Home Economics. Eleven years ago I welcomed the amazing opportunity to be a part of the AVID program. This year I am teaching AVID for grades 9, 11, and 12. I couldn't ask for a better assignment or kids. AVID is a program that helps motivated high school students achieve their goal of attending a four year university. Many of our students will be the first in their families to attend a four year university.

Students are required to take of Cornell notes and Focused notes every day per academic class. They are provided tutoring during class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are expected to attend after school tutoring if the have a C- or lower in any of their classes. They are required to turn in their notes in a binder every Friday. The hard work is worth it.

Together we can!