
Santiago High School sponsors several dances during the school year including Homecoming and Sadie Hawkins.  School photo ID cards are required to enter all dances.  Students who owe the school money, have outstanding Saturday Schools or detentions, or are discipline problems may be prohibited from attending a dance.  In some cases, guest passes for non-Santiago students may be granted with prior administrative approval.  No guests over the age of 20 will be permitted to attend a Santiago High School dance.  All school rules will be enforced at all school dances.  Appropriate dress and behavior is expected at all school dances – students who are dressed inappropriately or engage in unacceptable behavior will be sent home immediately.

Students are to be picked up within 10 minutes after the dance. Parents/guardians picking up students should arrive early in order to be present for prompt pick-up at the conclusion of the dance.
Please arrange to pick up your child immediately after the dance ends. Student supervision will end 10 minutes after the end of the dance. Violators will be assigned a Saturday School.
Your consideration and cooperation is greatly appreciated.