Welcome to Mrs. Lillis' Science Page

Welcome to science! I am looking forward to a great year with you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

You can find me in room 311 before and after school. Come by anytime you need help. 
Chemistry is a college prep class that also fulfills one of the two years of science requirements for graduation. 
  • Supplies: Paper, 2 composition books,  writing instruments, colored pencils, glue, expo marker, a stapler, a scientific calculator (Casio recommended) and a highlighter.  
  • Homework will be updated via Google Classroom.
A few things about me. I hold a bachelors of science in biology and a bachelors of arts in human development from UC San Diego, as well as, a masters degree in education from CSU Fullerton. 
I love spending time with my husband and my son. Some of my hobbies include baking, cake decorating, and trying out new recipes (but I do not enjoy doing dishes!).